You can offer your baby this filling and tasty meal of organic milk porridge with oats and apples at 6 months of age. It is quick and easy to prepare - simply stir into boiled and cooled water, let it rest briefly and it's ready!
The baby cereal is made with the best quality organic fruit and organic whole grains along with important vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It is free from added sugar, sweetening juice concentrates and artificial flavours.
Select water and porridge powder according to age and appetite according to the dosage table.
1) Boil fresh water for each porridge meal. Allow to cool to approx. 50°C.
2) Pour the amount of powder (according to the table) into the plate.
3) Measure the boiled water (according to the table), add it to the porridge powder and stir.
4) Let it swell until the desired consistency is achieved. Check the temperature, e.g. with the HiPP thermometer. Every baby is different and so the daily portion of porridge can be very different.